Fidalgo Networking Easy Internet Setup Instructions

Click the download link if file fails to automatically download.

When prompted to download, a box should pop up that looks like this:

(Screenshot from Microsoft Internet Explorer)

Click the SAVE button and save the program to your desktop.

You should now notice an icon on your desktop that looks like this:

Double click the "fidalgo.exe" icon to initiate the setup process.

You will now see a box that looks like the image on the right.


: : > fidalgo.exe
< : :

  • Fill in your first and last name in the "Full Name" box.

  • Type your Username and Password and then Confirm your Password.

  • Select a phone number to dial by clicking on the Select button and then select the city you are in. Next select the telephone number then click OK.
    (Please contact technical support if you are unsure about a number and if it is a local call or not )

  • If you phone service requires 10 digit dialing, then select the box entitled "Use 10 Digit Dialing".

  • If your telephone has call waiting or voicemail, then select the box entitled "To disable call waiting, dial:". Next select the down arrow and select one of the options listed. (Most commonly used is *70,)

  • If you previously have had an Internet Service Provider and would like to uninstall their connections and email information, select the box entitled "Remove Existing Dial-Up and Email accounts".

  • Finally, click on OK to install Fidalgo Networking Internet. After installaion, simply double click the BLUE Fidalgo Networking icon on your desktop and connect!